Thursday, October 18, 2012


     Faith, seems like a very unassuming word, but the truth be told this one little word has started wars, with the deaths of countless people throughout the world. What one believes may be associated with race, ethic back ground, religion, and culture. In the world today faith is just as important as it was 2000 years ago, on the one side there are believers in God and then unbelievers.
     In the beginning after all the dust had settled from God creating the world and animals, he made man in his on image but something was missing. Man needed someone to share all this with. Then God put the man to sleep and took a rib from him and made woman. Woman  was the most beautiful creation God had made, so after Adam woke up," that was what God called man", he was just awe struck. Well one might ask how come men have the same number of ribs as a woman today? I am glad you asked, when someone cuts off a finger and they have a child, the child will have all their fingers same principle. In the garden Adam and Eve didn't need much faith because God supplied all their needs and they pretty much had it made  But all was going to change and not for the good of mankind, plans were all ready being made to disrupt this peaceful scene. Eve got confused and was lead down the garden path by a serpent, no pun intended, and a curse was placed on mankind and the earth. This is where faith enters the picture man is on his own without God's help.
     For the first time sin enters the world and God requires a blood sacrifice, for the remission, or penalty of sin. This is where murder takes place, Cain kills his brother Able, and mankind has not looked back. Down through the centuries man has chose to live life his way and not by faith in God. When one kingdom was stronger than the others then war was a way of justifying taking all their lands and enslaving the people. A nation that thinks they don't need God is on the path to destruction. If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land. This takes faith, in realizing we as a nation need the help and blessings of God. Then will we have homes restored with children growing up with a father and mother and being taught the word of God again. We can elect whoever, but with faith in God we are still on the road to destruction.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    This is very interesting. I would love to see homes and families restored. As a result I believe our nation would be restored also.
